Online Giving FAQ
Can I give offering in person?
Yes, offering can be given in person during Sunday Worship Service. Both cash and checks are accepted.
What platform are we using for online/e-giving?
We are using a platform called Givelify –
What security and privacy measures does Givelify take to protect my data/information?
Security is Givelify’s top priority, and institutes measures to protect safety and security at every level. For more information about Givelify’s security processes, please see their website –
Are there any fees associated with online giving?
Givelify collects a small percentage of the amount given, as well as a small fee for each transaction paid by LBCSJ. Both credit card and debit card transactions are permitted, and LBCSJ has no preference which is used.
What options to give electronically are available?
Using the Givelify platform, LBCSJ offers e-giving either through an app (Android or iOS) or through the LBCSJ website –
How do I give through the Givelify app?
Go to your appropriate app store, and download the Givelify app. Then follow the directions to sign up for an account, search for “Lighthouse Bible Church San Jose,” and assign LBCSJ as your “home.” From here, you can enter in your debit card information, and follow the directions for e-giving.
How do I give through the LBCSJ website?
The LBCSJ website now has a Giving button, which will take you directly to the LBCSJ-Givelify webpage where you can follow the directions for e-giving.
What is the difference between the “tithe” and “offering” envelopes?
Regular weekly offering should be given to the “tithe” envelope. Any additional giving beyond your regular giving can go into the “offering” envelope.
Can I mail in offering?
Yes, Offering can be mailed to 5273 Prospect Rd. #161 San Jose, CA 95129. Only checks are accepted.
General Note
Upon giving, you may be given the option to “Share with your friends.” LBCSJ does not recommend sharing these transactions on any social media platform (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.).