VBS Day 2: The Church is the Body of Christ
Text: 1 Corinthians 12:12-26
Central Truth: Church members make up the body of Christ, with Christ being the head of the church.
Memory Verse: “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior.” - Ephesians 5:23
Objective: Explain how Jesus is the head of the church
Application: Believe the gospel so you can be a part of Christ’s body, the church
Lesson Summary: The church is not a physical building which people visit once or twice during the week. The church is the body of Christ, and He alone is the head of the church. Church membership is implied by the New Testament, and the church is made up of a variety of Christians who are given different spiritual gifts, Church members are clearly instructed to use their spiritual gifts to build up one another unto christlikeness, with the whole body needing to mature unto Him.
Bible Teaching
“The Church is the Body of Christ” - Jerome Lee
Prayer Time
The Bible identifies the church as being the body of Christ, with Jesus Himself as its head. It is not a building to worship God in. One must repent and trust in Christ as Lord and Savior in order to become part of His church.
Parents, please pray with your child in light of the truths they’ve just learned from the main teaching time. Have your children think about what this lesson says about God and one way they can apply this lesson to their lives. Encourage your child to pray for these things along with you.
Singing Time
“O Church Arise” By: Eric Yee, Alice Chen, Wury Glende, and Tim/Andrea Song
Memory Verse
“Ephesians 5:23” - Cindy Chan
“Map of God's Family & Body of Christ Jigsaw Puzzle” - Jinhe Lee
Resources: Included Craft Box
“Crossword” - Isabel Wong
Resources: Included Craft Box
Also available:
Coloring Sheet
Crossword Answers
Movement Time
“Cup Pyramid” - Thomas and Isabel Wong
“We’re All in This Together” - Kimberly Chan
Book Reading
“The Friend Who Forgives” - By Dan DeWitt
Read by Chelsea Chan
“Yogurt Bark” - Andrea Song