VBS Day 4: Christians Help Each Other Grow
Text: Ephesians 4:11-32; Acts 2:42-46
Central Truth: Church members must use their gifts to build up each other so the whole church matures in Christlikeness.
Memory Verse: “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works…” - Hebrews 10:24
Objective: Define edification and how it happens in the church
Application: Listen carefully to teaching and preaching so you can grow spiritually.
Lesson Summary: The church is constantly being built up by Christ. The Lord uses the members of the church to build one another up by encouraging and strengthening each other. Jesus chose His church to be the community in which Christians grow, maturing more and more into the image of Christ. Whether it is through teaching, praying, giving, Singing or daily conversation, the church ought to be edifying one another Christians must care for the body of Christ and build it up to be better fitted for its head, Jesus Christ.
Bible Teaching
“Christians Help Each Other Grow” - JC Gueco
Prayer Time
Only Christians can be built up unto Christlikeness, and so a person must repent and trust in Him in order to be conformed into His image through the church. Christians must be engaged in mutual edification as an act of worship unto the Lord.
Parents, please pray with your child in light of the truths they’ve just learned from the main teaching time. Have your children think about what this lesson says about God and one way they can apply this lesson to their lives. Encourage your child to pray for these things along with you.
Singing Time
“Give Us Clean Hands” By: Eric Yee, Alice Chen, Tim & Andrea Song, and Wury Glende
Memory Verse
“Hebrews 10:24” - Alice Chen
“Planting Seeds” - Cindy Chan
Resources: Included Craft Box
“Edify/Building the Church” - Kimberly Chan
Resources: Included Craft Box
Also available at:
Coloring Sheet
Movement Time
“Encouragement Messages” - Thomas and Isabel Wong
“Grow a Rainbow” - Chelsea Chan
Book Reading
“Goodbye to Goodbyes” - By Lauren Chandler
Read by Chelsea Chan
“Oreo Pudding Cups” - Kristen Shak