VBS Day 5: The Church Proclaims the Gospel
Text: Romans 10:9-15
Central Truth: The church must eagerly engage in evangelism, proclaiming the good news that Jesus Christ paid sin’s penalty.
Memory Verse: “So I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome.” - Romans 1:15
Objective: Explain the message of the gospel
Application: Give examples of how the church evangelizes.
Lesson Summary: The truth that Jesus Christ came to seek and to save people from all over the world is the greatest news that could ever be given to a person. Though many modern churches try to use programs to fill their buildings and manipulate emotions to feel spiritual, only the power of the unchanging gospel adds Christians to the church. In the face of a wicked world which hates Christ, the church must continue to proclaim the gospel everywhere, to their neighbors and to all the nations across the planet.
Bible Teaching
“The Church Proclaims the Gospel” - Teddy Yu
Prayer Time
In the focus to evangelize others, it can be easy to overlook one’s own heart to see if there is indeed faith in Jesus alone and fruit of that salvation. Christians must live like Jesus lived and proclaim sinners’ need for repentant faith to be faithful tools in Christ’s hands to reach the unsaved with the gospel.
Parents, please pray with your child in light of the truths they’ve just learned from the main teaching time. Have your children think about what this lesson says about God and one way they can apply this lesson to their lives. Encourage your child to pray for these things along with you.
Question and Answer with Pastor Mark
“Questions from the Children” - Pastor Mark Chin and Jerome Lee
Singing Time
“May the Peoples Praise You” By: Eric Yee, Alice Chen, Tim & Andrea Song, and Wury Glende
Memory Verse
“Romans 1:15” - Cindy Chan
“Salvation Bracelet” - Cindy Chu
Resources: Included Craft Box
“Craft - Farewell” - Jinhe Lee
“Word Search” - Eric Lau
Resources: Included Craft Box
Also available at:
Coloring Sheet
Worksheet Answers
Movement Time
“Go Tell It On the Mountain” - Thomas and Isabel Wong (Links to YouTube)
“You’re on the Move” - Elisa Lau
Puppet Show
Puppet Show - Cindy Chu, Rachel Lee, Haeli Baek, Carrie Wong, Brittany Fung, Sarah Fong
Book Reading
“Jesus and the Lion’s Den” - By Alison Mitchell
Read by Chelsea Chan
“Salted Caramel Pretzel Ice Cream” - Brittani Wong