
VBS Day 3: The Church Worships God

  • Text: John 4:1-24; Acts 2:42; 14:8-18

  • Memory Verse: “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” - John 4:23

  • Objective: Define worship and give biblical descriptions of it

  • Application: Identify what or who you value most in life

  • Lesson Summary: Christ formed the church to worship God. Jesus identified true worship as that which is done in spirit and in truth, rather than an activity reserved for a particular time or place. This worship must occur in both the everyday lives of Christians as well as when they gather together to corporate worship the Lord. Worshiping God includes the reading and preaching of His Word as well as prayer, Singing, and giving to Him in the local church,

Bible Teaching

“The Church Worships God” - Ted Su

Prayer Time

God requires that we worship Him in spirit and truth. The problem is that mankind has sinned by replacing the Lord with different objects of worship.  The only right response a person can have is to turn from sin and trust in Christ, becoming worshipers of God in spirit and truth.

Parents, please pray with your child in light of the truths they’ve just learned from the main teaching time.  Have your children think about what this lesson says about God and one way they can apply this lesson to their lives.  Encourage your child to pray for these things along with you.

Singing Time

“Undivided Heart” By: Eric Yee, Alice Chen, Tim & Andrea Song, Wury Glende, and Kristen Shak

Memory Verse

“John 4:23” - Cindy Chu


Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

“Stained Glass Cross” - Kristen Shak
Resources: Included Craft Box


“Making a List” - Elisa Lau
Resources: Included Craft Box

Also available at:
Coloring Sheet

Movement Time

Time of Worship - Thomas and Isabel Wong


“The Science of Soap” - Eric Yee

Puppet Show

Day 3 Puppet Show - Carrie Wong, Haeli Baek, Rachel Lee, Brittany Fung, Sarah Fong, and Cindy Chu


“Homemade Pizza” - Brittani Wong
